Compromise is good, especially when deciding what you want in a home as opposed to what other family members want.
There are certain criteria, however, that you should think long and hard about giving up and adequate storage space should be at the top of the list.
I have not found an Aussie comparison for these stats when I researched this article. So here’s some info from the USA.
Apparently, the average American home contains 300,000 items, according to Los Angeles Times’ Mary MacVean. Their Realtor Magazine claims that not having enough storage space for all this “stuff” leads to buyer’s remorse for 80 percent of homebuyers.
Wow! That’s a lot of things.
Furthermore, one of every 10 households in the U.S. rents a storage unit, according to their Self Storage Association. If you are like them and you plan on moving all of your belongings from the unit to the new house, it’s wise to ensure there’s enough room for it all before signing the paperwork.
I spoke to a few Storage places and their thoughts are that Australians store a lot but certainly not 10% of us.
To keep yourself from becoming distracted by other, more sexy features of a home, print off a copy of this Home Buying Checklist.
Bedroom storage needs
When you’re viewing a home, take a good look at the size of wardrobes or built in robes in the bedrooms.
First, the basics: is there enough room for the clothing that needs to be stored within? A tip-off that it might not be is if the cupboards are stuffed to overflowing with the current homeowner’s clothes.
Is there adequate shelving in the closet or, at least, room to add shelves? If you enjoy built-ins in your current home, ensure that there is enough room in the closets for those as well.
If there are no robes, is there enough wall space to add removal wardrobes or to add built-in ones?
Bathroom storage
Don’t be surprised if you find most of the bathrooms you view to be lacking in storage options. Many homes offer little other than a few drawers and a cupboard or two beneath the vanity unit.
Consider a linen closet in the bathroom a bonus because you can store towels, toiletries and other items that are usually strewn across the counters because of a lack of storage space.
Is there a Linen closet in the hallway?
What about your kitchen stuff?
Most home-buyers claim to have “one major regret,” claim that if they had to do it again they would choose a home with more storage space. In the kitchen, adequate storage is a must.
If the kitchen in the home you’re considering lacks a pantry, guess where all those food items will have to be kept? That’s right, in the cupboards, taking valuable storage space for pots and pans, dishes, glassware and small appliances.
Don’t let the lack of a formal pantry spoil the chances of getting a home that you really want, however. If there is room to add one, you can have one built or even buy one of the clever storage solutions on the market today. Many furniture stores have a number of items that make attractive and roomy pantries.
The rest of the story
Where will you store your linens, coats, gardening implements, home cleaning supplies and hobby items? What about the laundry room? Is there room for detergent, fabric softener and the other items you use?
Then, there’s the Entry, which often ends up as the repository for items for which there is no storage space.
Dirty shoes and clothes, big, bulky winter recreation items and more can take up residence here.
Thankfully, if there is enough space here, it’s an ideal area for built-ins in which you can store the overflow from the rest of the house if need be.
Many home buyers underestimate how much space they’ll need for storage, so take a good look at your current situation before heading out to look at homes.
In fact, take measurements at the current home and the new home so that you can make accurate comparisons.
To find out more, you’re welcome to call 08 83961100 to arrange a chat with people that care.
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