Paying for your homeowner’s insurance is a routine that, over the years, becomes habitual.
As we reach retirement, our insurance needs change. You may find yourself scaling back on many things, including the contents of your home.
This makes pre-retirement the ideal time to reflect on your homeowner’s coverage to ensure that your current policy protects the assets you’ve worked so hard to accumulate and money isn’t being wasted to insure items you no longer own.
Do you know what your homeowner’s insurance covers?
Many homeowners don’t have a clue as to what is and isn’t covered by their insurance policy.
Ask yourself some basic questions: Are you absolutely sure of what is both covered and excluded in your policy? Does your policy cover you for burglary and acts of God? How much will the insurance company give you in cash and how long will it take them to pay?
If you don’t know the answers to these basic questions, it’s a good idea to take the time to dig out your policy and do a little detective work and some number crunching.
Ask your insurance agent to run an analysis on what it would cost to rebuild your home.
By the time you reach retirement, you’ve accumulated lots of “stuff”
Next, take an inventory of the contents of the home.
This is a time-consuming process so don’t feel as if you need to tackle it all at once. Do one room at a time and be thorough. Use a video camera, if you have one, and narrate the scene as you film. A regular camera will suffice if you don’t have a video camera.
Take close-up photos of anything of significant value and write a description of the item on the back of the photo. Be specific on your inventory, making note of each item’s current condition, how much you paid to acquire the item, and where and when you purchased it. If any item has a brand name or model number, make note of that as well.
You might consider using an App on your smartphone or tablet. Or use computer based software to record photos and details. Evernote, dropbox or google drive can also be used. Just remember that you’ll need to access these at some time, so make it easy to remember and find.
Be especially mindful of any expensive items, such as art, jewellery and antiques. Finally, make another copy of your inventory and place it off-site, such as in a safe deposit box, or with one of your adult children. You should now have a good idea as to the value of your home’s contents.
Keep in mind that most homeowner’s insurance policies cover the contents of the home only up to a certain amount. You may need a separate insurance schedule for any items of significant value.
Deciding on an excess
Determine how much of an excess you can afford to pay now that you’re on a fixed income. If disaster strikes, will you be able to come out of pocket to cover the current excess? This is an especially important consideration for retirees who need to weigh their cash assets against the savings that may be realized with a higher excess.
Finally, consider the liability coverage on your home and ensure that it is enough to protect your assets.
Notify your insurance agent upon retirement. She can help you to determine any discounts you may be eligible for and how to become eligible for even more. For instance, did you know that installing burglar alarms, sprinkler systems, smoke detectors and dead-bolt locks might result in a lower premium? Insuring your car with the company that provides your homeowner’s insurance may result in a reduction in premium as well.
Experts recommend that retirees revisit their homeowner’s insurance policy annually, especially if you downsize your home or acquire or sell any of its contents.
Find more about downsizing here.
Many retirees place their sole focus on their health insurance needs while the homeowner’s policy falls through the cracks. Don’t be one of them.
To find out more, you’re welcome to call 08 83961100 to arrange a chat with people that care.
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